
As large and growing volumes of diverse data are stored in the Data Stores, any breach of this enterprise-wide data can be catastrophic, from privacy violations, to regulatory infractions, to damage to corporate image and long-term shareholder value. The need to protect the Data Stores with comprehensive security is clear due to the following reasons:

Data Stores hold vital and often highly sensitive data that has driven an enterprise over its long history
External ecosystem of data and operational systems feeding the Data Stores are highly dynamic and can introduce new security threats
Users across multiple business units can access the Data Stores using methods of their own choosing, thereby increasing risks of exposure to unauthorized users
To prevent damage to the company’s business, customers, finances and reputation, IT leaders must ensure that their Data Stores meets the same high standards of security as any legacy data environment.

Holistic Approach to Enterprise Security

Hortonworks firmly believes that effective Hadoop security depends on a holistic approach. Our framework for comprehensive security revolves around five pillars: administration, authentication, authorization, audit and data protection.

Five Pillars of Enterprise Security

Enterprise Security – Five Pillars
Security administrators must provide enterprise-grade coverage across each of these pillars as they design the infrastructure to secure data in Hadoop because if any of these pillars remains weak, it introduces thread vectors into the entire data lake.

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